Wednesday, December 26, 2018
सम्झना अटाउने तिमि
Monday, December 24, 2018
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Unseen Connection Of Me With Him
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
My Ex-thing.
My Ex-thing.
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Just To Love You
Saturday, December 8, 2018
I wish for the moment of fantasy where;
You could love me unconditionally being for only being me...
I wish for the moment when; you would find my lap as your finest pillow
And i would run my fingers through your hair.
I wish to find you listening to; whatever I say .
At last, when you are done listening.
I wish you to stop me.
Stop me! Without, your fingers or words.
I wish it to be your lips placed over mine.
I wish my acts;
Making your heart flutter and flutter.
And after getting no words to express how you felt.
You would come closer and just hug me!
To make me attend your heartbeats,
Letting me to lean over you.
I wish when my life fall:
Towards the darker shade like, night.
You would appear to me and,
Twinkle as the brightest and closest star to my life.
I wish whatever the situation gets;
You would stand next to me.
Holding me in your arms,
Standing by my side, forever.
Thursday, December 6, 2018
The feeling of love
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
A breakup is a state of mind that needs encouragement and needs
hopeful, forward thinking. Basically, a bad breakup is never meant to
teach you 'I'll never fall in love again.' It's meant to teach you 'Now I
better know what makes for healthful, happy love - and thanks to this breakup
I'm now better able to recognize it and snag it!' But sometimes Breaking up is
hard to do... so it's essential to keep getting wiser - and wiser - about what
healthy love is all about. And that's just a symbol of how you should deal with
a breakup. You can cry for a little bit, eat some ice cream, but I think, after
that, it's like, get up, listen to some powerful music and do something that
makes you happy, be productive.
You're breaking up, you're getting together, you're changing your life, you're arguing with your parents, you're making terrible mistakes, you're having great triumphs. That’s what teenage mostly is about.Whether you're dealing with a recent breakup, a fall-out with family, or a failed business venture, be aware that your emotions could affect your spending habits. Uncomfortable emotions can increase the chances that you'll behave recklessly, which may have a negative impact on your bank account.One of the most painful parts of a breakup is having the feeling that your life is a story, and then the other person leaves and takes the story with them. And you're left there without it. You're left in this version of life that's basically a succession of events and interactions that don't seem to be going anywhere.
Sometimes I tell people this: It's easy to write about walking in
the park, but it's hard to write about a breakup. I don't think breakups
are ever easy for anybody. If they are, they aren't much of a breakup.
I think the worst part about a breakup sometimes, if one could
choose a worst part, would possibly be if you get out of a relationship, and
you don't recognize yourself because you changed a lot about you. So I am
pretty sure about: No one goes straight to happiness after a breakup.
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Her Tale: Unspoken experiences
Her Tale: Unspoken experiences
Friday, November 23, 2018
Little Fantasy
Her eyes that I'll ever see any where else,
Her round nose cute as hell
With sharp Curves on her lips I never seen before .
Her chubby ceeks so soft ,so bouncy .
No other words found to describe her.
Always wanted her as the last thing
That I'll ever need to survive
But this time and space...
And a dare to say - "Why you, So beautiful?"
- by:
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Stone as God
How the faith over the carved and uncarved stones works
rcise required in their body. Our temples include the herbs and plants that are used for medicinal purpose. Here the plants we worship like neem, peepal, tulsi, etc are medicinal herbs while they are good producer of oxygen. Hence the one who visit the temples have good health. Similarly the plants are also being protected.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
I want to see you but its OK I will I will stare up the sky. I am sure you are now the brightest star ever.I miss you and its fine I will keep missing you too. now I am a grown up kid who can control her outgrowing desires and moods.
Stay safe and bless me from heaven.
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
you are the one that made me feel ; so warm.
yes i am especial,after thousand tantrums i do
and you are the one who gets happier with me.
i do not know what exactly has happened to me:
but babe i am falling in love with me.
Locked in your arms, and some pillow fights
casual conversation with some sensual jokes
and the cheesy poses for the old portrait.
babe who are we just two hearts falling for love.
some times i do want to tell you
honey! you are the reason
that i have loved myself more than anybody else:
cause i know a part of you survives in me.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
I AM- a toy!
I AM- a toy!
Romantic melody hit those ears
And my heart did not moved an inch.
Had my heart grown cold or old?
It did not flutter!
After someone wispered love to it.
Speechless; with numb heart,
And i had to give a reply!
It must have had been a stroke that hit me;
While my heart yelled- ” ouch! it’s difficult.”
Yes! i can. i can!
I can wisper of- “an illusion.illusion of love to you”
Illusion after your romantic melody.
Finest act of mine, that would appear to be.
Hey honey! I am – ‘The Toy ‘
The toy one loved the most; long ago…
And, now left alone:
Lifeless and free.
The unexpressed feelings
October Night: I Was Taken Away
The reflection of the bloomed moon, on the surface of the sea. I felt as if, she came up to glance itself, In her mirror in the sea. The moment was so delighted that, I was taken away.
I felt lucky to be her audience while, I found no words to define how beautiful she looked All could do was to hold still at the place where I was. I wish if I could touch her, feel her; Alas! I couldn’t. yet I was taken away.
When my eyes struck my hand it was 11: 53 pm Then I thought beauty blooms only in the peace Like, she bloomed above the world so high. The full circle and her glow made the earth shine As if, she was the provider. And looking at her, I was taken away.
The lights from her, as if it was giving relief to my eye The way she was floating in the sea , made my soul weightless. She was the envious circle that carried my pain away The bloomed flower I could smell so good from miles away. October night, the envious full moon While from the bottom of my heart I felt: I was taken away.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Loneliness might not be something that he felt when I was not around. Loneliness might not be what he went through when I broke-up with him. It might just be about how he acted in his life; of being happy, or being normal without me.
The true loneliness might also be the feeling which one experienced since childhood. It could be the feeling of having nobody by your side when you needed the most. Loneliness is the feeling which kills you after you lose your soul completely. While true loneliness is the situation when you pretend to be happy and explain the world around you; you are enjoying a complete life.
Loneliness is to share your feelings of extreme happiness and extreme coldness with your pillow rather than the world around you.
You understand that the world around is too busy to have their valuable time to celebrate in your joyful occasions. While no one could manage time to help you shot your problems in hardship of life. Loneliness is the feeling of fear, and pain that you never expressed to anyone around you.
And after redefining the loneliness for time and again, 2 years of our relation and the 10 month of your suffering after our break-up feels like nothing to me. You said,” You are the cold person who never cared about your feelings and sentiments. Because of you my life god destroyed. I find myself alone, I cannot sleep all nights, and this is all because of you. It is all, just because of you.” After hearing you, I still don’t feel anything. I don’t feel sorry for what I did to you in 10 months without being reasonable. I don’t feel sorry for leaving you. But I find myself sorry for letting you know who I actually am. You said I killed your soul, and washed away all your happiness from life. But I am glad that, you were never killed by the force that compelled you t get addicted to the sleeping-pills; to forget your pains like I did. I am glad that you never had to count the stars to forget pain in your loneliness. I am glad that you never encountered the darkest night like I did and you even didn’t hear any of the loudest thunders at your weakest point.
To you I am the one who destroyed your life and you in the name of love. To me I am the person who cannot express; myself the way I am. I am vulnerable, while only little saw me in that stage. I do cry, and few wiped out tears from my beautiful adorable eyes. The one who said my lips adored them, only few could read the unuttered loneliness from them. And it saddens that you could not get the pain I uttered from my lips.
At the end I would like you to compere the loneliness; the 10 months you suffered because of me and the 20 years I discovered under the sky among number of people around me. Which would score high do you think? I guess it would be a tie: yet I am not sorry to you because I want to drag all the love from your heart out. So that someone else could get better life and a pre soulmate in you. At the end the cold heart of mine would like to tell you that I loved you with the
bottom of my heart but the unspoken things from my lips are the lines that act as a boundary to my love. And in the next row, you cannot read those lips without I make them to you. So better I be a cold self-centered person… So may be, loneliness is the shadow of love; I could not trail enough.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
You! Who came 2 days ago how dare you made my heart flutter…
You! Who came to this life how dare you start to complicate my emotions.
How dare you to bring butterfly all over my tummy and fear around my hear …
How dare you !! To make me want to whisper the magical love things…
Yes!! I feel to whisper love when nobody is around.
Dear unseen perfection I don’t know what love actually is but sometimes I really want to whisper these words to you-
I love you
Her Story; TheUnspokenTale
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