Saturday, November 10, 2018


She had her story. The society called she is mad, it doubted she definitely had an affair with lot of men. It doubted she was a very wicked witchy women. Society behind her back said she never loved her husband, it blamed her for mistreating her in-laws and husband. Society just kept making remarks over her behind her back. But society never wanted to know her story: by 22 she was married to a very good looking wealthy man holding shares at number of projects. For 4 years she felt she was lifeless . Since she was blamed for each and every situations going wrong within the family. Today, after 4 years she wants to feel her life as per her decisions yet she is captive of her husband.

She has her some secret space that the world around her do not know. She has not shared how her in-laws used satirical words for her. She never spoke about the blames that her husband and her in-laws put against family for not shaping her in
to a perfect wife and a perfect daughter in law.  She never complained how badly she was treated within the four-walls to the exterior world around. She kept on believing that someday her in-laws would change their opinion for her. She has her won story unexpressed and unshared.

And without having idea of what she has been through society depicts her as cruel  cold-blooded. Society never cared of her cries, it never cared when ever that creepy worm molested her body. Society never knew him who they called her god had murdered her womb for already 3 times. Society never wanted to hear how badly she wanted her all three daughters who were forcefully aborted by her in-laws including her husband. Society never wondered of those scars that she carried in her body which were offered to her because she hadn't brought sufficient dowry. Society never had had any idea on why she filed multiple cases against her in-laws. It may have no idea on how badly she wants to punish the murderer's of her innocent womb. Society can never figure out the hundred reasons she couldn't compromise anymore against the unjust she had had been through.

Society behind her back doubts of and about her affairs with each next man in the way she passes by, with the man who dropped her home and of course with her clients and boss at her work place. While it do not care of the facts that she stood brave atleast, she stood up for freedom. she dared to speak against the worms who destructed her life. So, our society sharply knows how to provide sympathy before her and much more clearly knows how bad she is as she is divorced her husband behind her back. 

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