Thursday, November 22, 2018

Stone as God

How the faith over the carved and uncarved stones works

Life is not about following gods in stones or statues. It is all about following these stones without forgetting the morals of life and being human. It’s our faith that turns the same stone into our god and further it guides us for our greater well being. Yes, we worship these stones with all our heart and soul. In the form of god, stones have actually helped to preserve humanity in this small world of ours.
While an analysis shows that how the faith upon stones kept people live happier, healthier and longer. People who believe upon god visit temples by the early hour in the morning, and basically the steps that they take in the temple maintained the level of exe
rcise required in their body. Our temples include the herbs and plants that are used for medicinal purpose. Here the plants we worship like neem, peepal, tulsi, etc are medicinal herbs while they are good producer of oxygen. Hence the one who visit the temples have good health. Similarly the plants are also being protected.
The mediums of our worshipping might be taken as a kind of taboos. But scientifically our stones are keeping us healthier. Our faith over those stones; fills us with good self-esteem and confidience. Sometimes we are over-looked as the idiots worshipping the animals as god from an invisible lens we are preserving those animals. When we worship those animals in the form of god we respect them, they get less hurt and they are safe. And to those who speak of the sacrifice in the name of god yes I support their statement the sacrifice in the name of god while deny it by the next end. Here I support them because none the god demanded sacrifice of the innocent animals selfish intentions were reflected in the names of god, while looking over the animals that are killed it was required to maintain the balance in nature. The ratio of how the sacrificed animal increases three times more of the other creatures and to make a balance it was necessary.
Here our faith over the stone and our worshiping the stones, animals, plants and everything seems beneficial in several ways. For a person it’s maintaining their will power, its mending them emotionally strong in the name of god. We directly believe god but indirectly we are creating a positive energy in ourselves as a form of god. Each time we had faith over god we even feared of the evils. So the evil refers to all the negative energy stored in them. Where by, for us our faith and belief over god in the form of carved or uncarved stones placed in temple help them filter the negative source of energy into the positive. The plants that we worship and preserve are maintaining a pure environment around us. We have been preserving the animals around us creating a balance; as an equal ratio of plants and animals. Basically our small faith over the stone is preserving the environment, yes we can say our religion, our faith, our belief is preserving our mother earth and the creatures in it.

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