Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Yeah! it's him

Yeah! it's him

"Never give your heart on blindness.. love needs to convey lights to you. if the feelings are really love.. I need to gleam thousand lights yet you are the light of the lights."- he said to me. That is one of the reason: I simply need to be the star twinkling over his sky... just to lit his reality more brilliant and brighter 

"Somewhere inside when dividers of musings separates and evenings goes through sunrise ..I consider you and while considering you is like a bit of sky falls down..stars tumble down and I ask a bit of your heart ..the rooftop where I conceal myself.. the ground where I discover my direction.." the most legitimate words with warmth embraces that I ever felt from him.

There are times, I redden with blushes, Cause I am stunned. No words to clarify what I feel for him. May be that's the reason I attempt to console my heart, calling it "Crazy". However, this insane-ness is not and never the way I expected things to happen. But, the way he took things so elegantly that the truth has become far way lovely than my creative imaginations. All thanks to him, for being the honest person not next to me but somewhere with me, haha...

Out in the realities he really has knocked the doorsteps of my heart for numbers of time. My queries on, "why these knocks so often?"; I just get one reply, " I don't have to knock.. I've got the right key to open your heart..😊😊😊" I address myself-"truly ??? how might he be so certain?? on having key to my heart? Hmm... Is he the correct one?" I even asked him once. To which, he said,"There's solitary a distinction of thread among certainty and carelessness. Presently the string is your ally. I needn't bother with that key as I've  already owned it.. simply give me that string.. How about attempting this affection string progressively strong, miss?" Gosh! his answers truly lifts my breath up, my heart truly gets quicker. 

Somewhere within my heart even I do feel something for him just beyond friendship and beyond love. May be the unseen connections, strongest and the finest one i ever felt with anybody else. Yeah! it's him.

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