Monday, December 30, 2019

Few More Promises to You

Few More Promises to You

Few things I believe of you.
Few faith that I owe you.
Few heart that lives within you.
Few hurdles crossed by you,
Will always be the same as my promises to you.
Yes! Promises to you...

Few second when you hold me.
Few hours that you are not near me.
Few moments that just included you and me.
Few love that you gave me.
Few smiles that came to me,
Will always be in my memories as my promises to you.
Yes! Promises to you...

Few miles we walk together.
Few words that we argued upon.
Few fights that were just clueless.
Few hugs that were just too warm. 
Few kisses that stopped these unstoppable lips and lectures,
Will always be the favorite as my promises to you.
Yes! Promises to you...

Few tests that made me cry.
Few minutes when I had worries.
Few nights when I pressed my hands against you.
Few pulls when you were unstoppable.
Few giggles when you whispered love to me.
Few dreams that we dream together,
Will always be the routine as my promises to you.
Yes! Few more Promises to you!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Happy New Year

Every year teaches you a beautiful lesson. A year ends welcoming a new year, we enjoy it and celebrate it will all joys. Like this, it teaches us to move on and continue a new chapter for life. So just forget who left you in criticals in your past years, cause next year new solutions will knock you there by and mend you into a strong person! 
Cherish your faith and keep going because it's
"Happy New Year 2020"
Happy New year

Happy New Year

suchitra Thapa
Happy New Year

Cheers to a new year that has let us with another chance to find new energy. Where hopes will smile from the threshold of year to come; with wishper's that, "life will be happier"

"Happy New Year 2020"
Wish you a Happy New year

Friday, December 27, 2019

October Night: I am taken away

October Night: I am taken away

The reflection of the bloomed moon, on the surface of the sea. I felt as if, she came up to glance itself, In her mirror in the sea. The moment was so delighted that, I was taken away.

I felt lucky to be her audience while, I found no words to define how beautiful she looked. All I could do was to hold still at the place where I was. I wish if I could touch her, feel her; Alas! I couldn’t. Yet I was taken away.

When my eyes struck my hand it was 11: 53 pm Then I thought beauty blooms only in the peace. Like, she bloomed above the world so high. The full circle and her glow made the earth shine As if, she was the provider. And looking at her, I was taken away.

The lights from her, as if it was giving relief to my eye. The way she was floating in the sea , made my soul weightless. She was the envious circle that carried my pain away. The bloomed flower I could smell so good from miles away. October night, the envious full moon. While from the bottom of my heart I felt: I was taken away. 

Monday, December 23, 2019

Happy birthday

You're getting old, and you can also see time is ticking out. May be every birthday shows we shave less time left on hand. But the way we should see it, you should live everyday like its your birthday. Happy birthday

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Happy New Year 2020

Happy New year 2020

Every year stand like a new notebook, mark yourself as the pen. Fill up your each pages with your goals and start achieving it. And while filling it don't expect anyone else to fill it for you. Let this year be you along your goals. 

"New year 2020"
Happy New year

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Role Karnali: Travelling Different Space

Lots and lots of struggle stories I heard. Amongst all the most favorite and motivational story to me comes from within my home. Yeah! I love my parents struggle story because it's what I could closely observe and feel. Because I watched them making that small space into "Home" designed and decorated by love, affection, care and most importantly STRUGGLE. I grew up watching my parents struggle for my happiness and career and good future of our family. I always found my mom as a gracious Tigress while Dad as a Mighty Lion: who paced my future with their eternal effort. I am so lucky to have a parents like them while hearing and observing their struggle story for our family makes me proud. their story gives a different satisfaction and gleam full of motivation. It brings a warm positive vibrations to all my cells. May be that's why I always want to have my own struggle story so that someday my story can vibrate some other cells nearby...

A jolly personality with an unpredictable nature who likes exploring and experimenting along a heart that always longs for more and more: that's me. So now yes, I will be working onto a struggle for life but the question was "How"? Personally I am a person with series of questions and when I continue asking questions to the people, they get mad at me. That's how I am! But relief is, I always question selective people. Hmm, when it comes to question? I do remember mind boggling crazy thoughts on my mind. I do remember the tricky questions answers that I used to fill under my academics like, "what if next morning you wake up and found yourself of opposite sex? or you met an alien? or you reached a different planet or country? or xyz..."  So here comes my answer for how. The answer is "I will start my struggle story from a may be slightly different space. So all I have to do is begin the start of my career from a slightly different space." But the misery is where is that different space that's will help me shape professional?

So for Professionalism: I should drop the stuff that makes me unprofessional at first point. May be first thing onto the top list could be Time Management, anger control, patience. I need to manage my TAP first; Time, Anger and Patience. Then utmost important is I am getting used to too mush easy access to comforts and services; maybe I should give that up too. Another key element that I need is to convert my weakness into strength for professionalism. For me family plays both strength and weakness at the same time, because their support makes me complete while I relay too much on them and that's kind of weakness. I have depended too much on them even for small problems. So now I want to long for destinations and stories of my own... Some independent walks of my own that shall mend me stronger.

But before that I must thank that one special human being to whom I spent all my energy for a wrong person. Thanks to the betrayal that he returned in favor that made my decision for independent journey a bit easier... You had had been my weakness for all the time; now that you stepped back my decision got easier. But I know at some point walking away from family is going to be difficult. 

While I never realized bagpacks hurt. I wanted to convince myself that I carried enough memories with me for a year. I know it is going to be hard to say goodbye yet, new things are awaiting to say hello there... But Saying goodbye actually was too hard. I wanted to quit my decision at the last moment yet I couldn't... I couldn't because I knew I would have made the goodbye even more harder, if I always keep changing my decisions. 

But before, 25th November would have been a casual day for others yet to me it was it was special because dream to roll for Karnali is about to start. I remember the way how my eyes remained full of tears and face reddened with a manipulative smile. I remember growing speechless and trying to change the conversations inbetween when they watched me go. As my car moved on and they stayed there watching me... I going to miss you Family

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