Wednesday, June 19, 2024

ESCAPE not Death...

In shadows cast by moonlight's glow,

Mankind's dreams falter, hopes laid low,

An escape they seek, where burdens wane,

Responsibilities, a fleeting pain.

The weight of life, a crushing load,

Expectations, a heavy road,

No strength to stand, no will to fight,

The darkest hour, the blackest night.


The easiest path, a silent plea,

To end it all, to cease to be,

Alas, the hopes that died in vain,

Alas, the soul that bears the pain.

From mind to heart, from soul to flesh,

A tragic tale in silent hush,

A life that sank to lifeless sleep,

A heart that knows the endless deep.


Life’s a trauma, a cruel jest,

To defeat oneself, eternal rest,

To win by death, the final breath,

An urge to ease, to escape in death.

Alas, the laughter that now fades,

In empty rooms, in hollow shades,

The soul grieves... the heart cries... 

with every tear, a world of lies.


A tragedy unfolds; whispers cold, in tales retold,

The burdened laugh, the weary jest,

To seek escape, to find no rest. 

Yet in the dark, a sliver’s gleam,

A fading star, a distant dream,

For even in this somber play,

A hope that lingers, come what may.


Alas, dear soul, the battle’s fierce,

The wounds are deep, the scars they pierce,

But in the struggle, find your part, Tragedy of heart. 

For life, though heavy, holds its grace,

In every shadow, a tender trace,

So laugh at pain, that one face,

it was clearly an Escape not death.....

Latest Creation

ESCAPE not Death...

In shadows cast by moonlight's glow, Mankind's dreams falter, hopes laid low, An escape they seek, where burdens wane, Respons...