Friday, March 18, 2022

Critical imagination

Imagine a simple situation where there is so much inside a speaker to say and express; while he lack the perfect set of audience to listen. And This time the task listening isn't only the listening, it's actually the phenomenon to understand how actually the speaker has been suffering inside the shabby debate of emotion vs intelligence.

Then imagine another situation where the speaker indeed has a good volume of listeners; but he already knows none of the audience is actually listening. Rather this time the audience find the speaker audible because they lack entertainment in their life. Focus on another imaginary situation, This time speaker got his audience who are willing to read what's inside him. They do understand everything. Yet, both can't help each other because of a helplessness.

Often the relationship between the speaker and the audience remains complicated through a thin line of oppioniated criticism. Now imagine, there was no imagine from the very beginning. It was just the modesty of a crucial relationship between types of listener to a speaker!

In the last imagination, speaker yells;
How you see me could be fun'
Fact i face things; well yes m alone!
No glimpse of pain, no clue how frown?
The peaceful tragedy, stabbing me down.
Underneath the covers of smile; Beneath the howl of laughter,
Yeah! I successfully survived in their eyes as cool gangster!!

Under his imagination, he offers his audience a phrase with a smile- "If only letting go is easy, there are so many things i would have let gone without a sigh!"

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