Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Cheers to the fool✌🏼

World is filled around with fools and with the ones who love to laugh at fools. Sometimes you feel you are smart cause you tricked them so easily. Sometimes you get angry realizing you are mocked. In this race may be I even forgot I wasn't the one fooling others, rather I was fooling myself. But fooling isn't easy finding and calculating excuses to mark yourself correct is actually so difficult. 

"I am fine" the sweetest word that I excused to comfort myself and people around; even when I was extremely not fine. I don't know who I fooled there; world or myself. Well, excusing the world around us easier: just stare straight into the eyes and speak up... May be it's easier than to excuse inner self! For me it was difficult. Because people around said m stronger than others I helped myself alot to get stronger. While in the race to be strong I never understood how strong they expected me to be?? Or what kind of strong; physical or mental??? I always took it  being mentally strong. So I kept all the feelings in self. Yes to the world I am an extrovert who enjoys in myself: and yes, I am also the introvert who has died inside restoring all the emotions inside. Clueless of what rating would I get on being this strong! All I know is I was fooling myself for a better good may be. 

The best in me came while loving him... May be the finest of all, I never thought simple flirts would matchup so high hitting an extra dose of feelings for him. And there I fell for him, I was madly in love with him. But for a cause I wanted to stay strong so I insisted staying over my ego to relationship. The simpler excuse to me was sticking to my words than love for him. Yes, I fooled my feelings over attitude, I know I am a strong woman love can't take walk over me after all love is simply an illusion. I lasted up believing love is something that can't touch me. In the race of being untouched to love I Failed myself. Once again someone blew the magical moment and I was taken. Navie self of me melted over the illusion of love, I started to love him more, and believe him more than myself may be. But here with the fear of being hurt I could never honestly express the feeling for him. May be insecurities drives me more. But he endured it, I defeated all of it gradually. Should I call it luck or fortune all of a sudden his interest in my switched. To him someone else's arms were more comfortable. No strong girl like me can't fade like this, many more glory will be waiting for me. Let's just move on by let going. The only words my inner self could console with while it even knew I can't because am hurt. But for the world I stood up cheerful and happy. Congratulations, girls you are winning this despite you are hurt somewhere inside; world finds you a jolly character. Once again you fooled yourself and people around damn well.

Hollowness inside does kills yet you are breathing happily makes the world feel jealous of your living; aye aye you are fooling everyone quiet well. Hiding your weakness and shining with the confidence in the front row. You are killing it cause people dream for this confidence and you have it. Well not bad at this point as well. Someday success will be in your coat, the world around will expect for you to share your secret for success. Then don't explain them the countless fear that you went along, don't ever mention you how low you felt. While never detail them on the ways that helped you to boost your self-esteem higher. Just keep up fooling yourself because the world believes your intelligence even more than you. And say love the fool in you and cheers to the fools who trusted you.
P.S.: April Fool or everyday Fool✌πŸΌπŸ˜‚πŸ˜œ
If someone is reading it welcome dear foolπŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚✌🏼 

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